1. My work flow consisted of color coding each uv piece and identifying their location, then painting and shading each piece. After getting the colors close to what i wanted I created the occular acclusion map and found a metal texture online. I edited the metal texture with a paint brush filter to create a grungy look. Finally, I added detail by hand painting the tire treads and side panels on the tank. Lastly I found a picture of a stop light to place on the light fixtures and adjusted the fill, vibrancy, and layers of the texture map.

2. I used mostly all the tools shown in class with maya, and with photoshop I used the default paintbrush, the smudge tool, the text tool, and copy paste.
3. I think the project turned out pretty good for my first try. I think If I were to go in and really clean it up it would turn out even better.
4. I really like my tire treads and I am surprised at how they turned out considering that I strayed from the original reference photo to create them. I also liked how the stop light looks as a light source. I didnt have to manually shade it because of the nature of the photo graph. I am disappointed in how sloppy my texture map came out and parts of my tank are miss colored because of it. Next time, I will work on having a cleaner texture map.